Annual User and Client Survey Results (2019)

Each year, we conduct an annual user and client survey in order to collect feedback surrounding our platform and service. After running the surveys for three months, we recently closed them and collated all the data – we saw an improvement in scores on nearly all of the questions, compared to the results from 2018!

We started the survey by asking users how beneficial they found microlearning and Spaced Repetition and if it has made an impact on their learning:


  • 82% of users said that they found the method of Spaced Repetition extremely or very beneficial to their learning, which increased from last year’s survey.
  • 85% scored learning in daily, bite-sized chunks a 7/10 or above, which has increased by 10% from last year!
  • 92% of users said that they felt that Wranx would enable them to improve in their job role, which increased by 11.5% from last year! Fantastic results!

When asked to compare Wranx compared to other e-learning solutions they had used in the past, 91% of survey participants rated Wranx 8/10! We also received consistently positive written feedback from our users, which included:


As well as asking our users for feedback, we also asked our stakeholders about their thoughts on the product and service we provide, including our content process and technical support.

When asked if they were satisfied with the service they had received from their assigned Account Manager, 100% scored this a 7/10 or above, the average being 9! 100% of our clients also scored the service provided from our Support and Content Teams a 7/10 or above.

Finally, our stakeholders were asked how satisfied they were with Wranx’s overall performance as a training tool. 87.5% of them scored it 7/10, which is an increase from last year! We are ecstatic to see that our product is continuously growing and, along with this, we are continuing to improve and provide an excellent service to both our users and stakeholders.

Written by: Persia Shahkarami

Published: 15 Jun, 2022