Employee Training Tracker: Why It Matters to Your UK Business

An employee training tracker has become an important component for any business to embrace if it wants to be successful.

This powerful piece of software allows companies to efficiently track and manage the training activities of their staff members and provides a vehicle for monitoring their progress. At the same time, it can also highlight any areas of improvement and ensure that regulatory requirements are being adhered to. This, in turn, can help companies to streamline their training processes and maximise the overall productivity of their workforce.

Tracking the progress of your staff as they are being trained is important because it allows companies to see how effective their current training methods are and determine what areas might need to be tweaked and improved.

Additionally, doing this can also generate significant value, both to the employees and the organisation, through the discovery of insights, metrics and statistics that can be applied across the operation for the betterment of the company. These, for instance, might relate to employee engagement, return on investment ROI, the total number of hours taken up with training and the effectiveness of the programmes.

If you are not familiar with an employee training tracker, please allow this guide to be your introduction to it.

In it, we’ll review what it is in more detail and outline some of the main reasons why it is important for your UK business.

What is an Employee Training Tracker?

As mentioned, an employee training tracker assists companies to keep records of their staff’s professional development activities. Typically, it might be used for employee inductions, developing an employee training plan and corporate training.

It enables them to manage and store this information in a centralised and secure location and can be used to keep track of individual progress with regard to in-person and online training.

Congruently, administrators can set up alerts and reminders to advise employees that they need to take another part of their training. It can also be used to assess how effective any given part of the overall training programme is and to analyse the performance of each individual staff member.

Why is Tracking Employee Training Important

It is a fair question. However, tracking employee training modules is important because it helps companies ensure their staff have the skills and knowledge to do their jobs safely and effectively.

At the same time, it also provides businesses with a method of monitoring the effectiveness of their existing training programmes and finding ways to improve them overall.

Companies are also able to recognise which staff members have successfully completed their training programmes and achieved a high level of expertise, which outlines their worth to the company as an employee.

What Might Happen if Employee Training is Not Tracked?

If you don’t have a specific process in place for tracking employee training, then it is difficult to keep up to date with which employees have received the training they need and which have not.

Ultimately, this can result in gaps in an employee’s skill and knowledge base, which would be to the organisation’s detriment.

Additionally, it can be difficult to understand how effective the training methods are among certain subsets of your workforce, for instance, men and women, elder or younger employees and staff members for whom English might not be their first language.

Aspects of a Good Employee Training Tracking

By putting all their training-related information in one convenient and easy-to-use platform, an employee training tracker gives business managers and owners the flexibility to perform a number of tasks.

This includes assigning specific training modules to each of the staff members, keeping track of which training modules have been completed and producing detailed reports to evaluate the overall effectiveness of the training function.

The great thing about this level of functionality is that it enables companies to proactively identify and address any gaps in an employee’s skill set or knowledge base.

By doing this, they can develop effective strategies and arrange for their workforce to receive the training they need to become more savvy, adept, and productive in their specific roles.

Type of Employee Training Trackers

Overall, there is a wide range of online options that can be used for an employee training tracker. Which one you choose will depend on your budget and personal preference. However, here are some of the more popular options.

Learning Management System (LMS) 

This dynamic platform can do everything from building and designing training programmes to marketing them and even hosting training courses. It is easy to use, reliable and can be scaled as your company grows or needs change. 

Given the extensiveness of the data you can store on it, you will be able to make informed decisions about your training function. Examples of learning management systems are Blackboard Learn, Moodle and TalentLMS.

Project Management Tools (PMT) 

Known as PMT, this application can help businesses to assign, track, and provide real-time updates in relation to employee tasks. For both remote and on-site employees, training initiatives are tracked within a single dashboard.

Specific versions like Asana can also help with regards to scheduling and the onboarding of newly hired staff. 

 Google/Excel Sheets 

For those who want to keep it simple, Google or Excel Sheets provide an easy way to track the progress of your training initiative. Through these documents, assigning tasks, capturing progress, and recording data are fair straightforward processes.

Benefits of an Employee Training Tracker

For any business that wants to drive sustainable growth, using an employee training tracker provides them with several benefits.

One of the most critical is that it helps companies comply with industry standards and regulations, particularly regarding staff operating certain machinery or equipment. It also demonstrates a willingness to maintain best practices and meet legal requirements, which should provide both customers and staff with plenty of peace of mind. 

Additionally, using an employee training tracker can help businesses to create a better culture of continuous professional development and learning – which their staff will not only appreciate, but will go a long way towards attracting new talent. 

Furthermore, it can help to protect companies by reducing the potential for accidents, liabilities and risks that would be otherwise present through a general lack of knowledge on things like correct procedures.

Final Thoughts

Ultimately, every business is looking for a competitive advantage and the quality of the staff you have working for you, and their level of expertise, is often a way to get it.

If you have not considered using an employee training tracker before, there are some very compelling reasons to do so – which we have highlighted in this article.

At the end of the day, training is something every business needs to invest in. If you don’t see the value in tracking what level of training each individual staff member has had, you’ll risk getting left behind by other companies that do.


What is an Employee Training Tracker?

An Employee Training Tracker (ETT) is a system that monitors your employee’s progress as they complete various training initiatives. It does this by managing your staff’s training data and controlling tuitional activities from one single platform.

It is used for employee induction, corporate training, general workplace learning platforms, and in formulating employee training plans.

What are the main reasons for tracking participation in training?

By testing staff knowledge and skills on a regular basis, it enables companies to identify what areas of training employees need and assess how effective the training programmes are in imparting knowledge to them.

Written by: Ana Acevska

Published: 17 Jul, 2024