An interview with Jeff Philips, Donnelly Financial Solutions What does Donnelley Financial...
eLearning Articles
How can e-learning platforms use Certainty Based Marking?
As an alternative to traditional multiple-choice assessment, Certainty Based Marking (CBM) helps...
The need for digital skills in the boardroom
Here in the world of eLearning, we talk of the rise in the workforce of Millennials and how they...
Let’s stay together – keeping learning social
The modern world of work has become a learning space; the workplace is our classroom. The...
Tin Can API or SCORM : Which is best?
Organisations wishing to embrace eLearning face something of a dilemma when it comes to deciding...
E-learning: This time it’s personal
As learning and development technologies develop, companies, organisations and educational...
Can e-learning provide the bricks to build the bridge across the UK’s productivity gap?
Productivity in the UK is a notoriously slow moving beast, particularly in recent years. According...
Maximize Learning Potential: Integrating Training with Work
Picture this, if you will.The 'good' old days, when staff training was delivered in bland and...
Elearning Market on the Rise: Projected 5% Growth Ahead
As more and more organisations embrace e-learning as a valuable tool for growth, the market size...