Top 10 Microlearning Platforms to Train Your Staff

Top 10 Microlearning Platforms to Train Your Staff

In today’s fast-paced environment, it’s imperative to provide efficient training that not only fits into busy schedules but also delivers impactful learning outcomes. That’s where microlearning platforms swoop in as the hero of modern corporate training. This bite-sized learning approach offers concise and targeted educational experiences designed to meet specific learning objectives – making it the perfect tool for heads of training and development to upskill their teams effectively.

Here, we’ll be sharing the cream of the crop – ten top-tier microlearning platforms that stand out in the realm of employee training. Let’s dive in!

1. Wranx

Wranx employs scientifically proven techniques like spaced repetition and continuous reinforcement, ensuring that your employees not only learn but retain the information. The microlearning platform offers a vast library of customizable content making it ideal for various industries.


  • Uses established learning science principles.
  • Customizable content caters to an array of industries.
  • Strong emphasis on knowledge retention and reinforcement.


  • Might not be as widely known as some competitors.
Wranx microlearning platform

2. LearnUpon

This platform is praised for its comprehensive features that go beyond microlearning, with a user-friendly interface and robust tracking and reporting capabilities.


  • Intuitive user experience.
  • Detailed reporting for tracking progress.


  • May overwhelm users seeking only microlearning solutions.

3. Grovo

Grovo offers a modern learning experience with content that covers a wide range of current and professionally relevant topics.


  • Fresh, regularly updated content.
  • Good for contemporary skill training.


  • Less flexibility for highly specialized or niche content needs.

4. EdApp

EdApp shines with its engaging, gamified learning experiences and extensive customization options, making it a hit among learners looking for an interactive approach.


  • Strong gamification elements to boost engagement.
  • Easy course customization.


  • A gamified approach might not suit all learning styles.

5. Axonify

Axonify leverages artificial intelligence to personalize learning experiences for each employee, driving better learning outcomes.


  • AI-driven personalization.
  • Strong analytics and feedback loops.


  • Might be a bit complex for smaller organizations.

6. Skill Pill

Skill Pill excels in providing high-quality content that’s been tailor-made for mobile learning – perfect for teams on the move.


  • High quality, mobile-first content.


  • Limited customization due to the nature of the content.

7. MicroLearning by MobieTrain

MobieTrain allows you to create micro-content focused on boosting knowledge and productivity among retail teams and frontline employees.


  • Retail and frontline-specific solutions.
  • User-centric design and functionality.


  • More targeted towards retail, might not suit all industries.

8. Bite-size Learning by Elephants Don’t Forget

Specializing in personal development, this platform allows companies to easily track skills improvement across different competencies.


  • Focused on soft skills and personal development.


  • Does not cover a broad range of technical skills.

9. OttoLearn Agile Microlearning

OttoLearn offers adaptive microlearning with a strong focus on mastery and retention – perfect for compliance and safety training.


  • Adaptive learning tracks for optimization.
  • Focuses on mastery, not just completion.


  • Potentially steep learning curve for content creators.

10. QStream

QStream brings scientifically-backed reinforcement and spacing in learning to the table, allowing for higher engagement and retention rates.


  • Science-backed reinforcement techniques.
  • High learner engagement and retention.


  • Interface may not be as advanced as other platforms.

FAQs: Microlearning Platforms

Q: What exactly is microlearning?

A: Microlearning is a way of teaching and delivering content in small, very specific bursts. The learners are in control of when and where they learn and are more likely to remember information long-term, as it’s easily digestible.

Q: How do I know if microlearning is right for my organization?

A: If your team struggles to find time for training, requires frequent updates on skills, or shows better retention with engagement-driven activities, microlearning could be a great fit.

Q: Can microlearning replace traditional training methods?

A: While microlearning can be incredibly effective, it should be part of a blended approach to learning that may include traditional training methods depending on the needs.

Q: Is microlearning more cost-effective than other forms of training?

A: Generally, microlearning can be more cost-effective due to its concise nature and minimized time away from daily work tasks.


In the race to empower your employees with knowledge and expertise, Wranx clearly leads the pack among microlearning platforms. With solid science behind it, customizability for every industry, and a focus on retention, Wranx is a compelling choice for businesses keen on delivering impactful training with long-term benefits. Whether you choose Wranx or any other platform from this impressive list, you’re well on your way to creating a smarter, more adaptable workforce.

Happy learning!

Ready to see more of the Wranx microlearning platform?

Click here to book a meeting with our team to discuss your training needs.