Organisations spend a lot of time and budget training their employees in a variety of fields, including compulsory training such as compliance or health and safety, and specific areas such as sales and product knowledge. Commonly, training involves assessment to confirm whether the information has been successfully learnt by employees and can be applied in the workplace.
It was found that 68% of employers currently engage in various forms of job skills testing, and that multiple-choice testing was the more popular option to take. This is due to ease in marking, being able to fit more content into one test and greater objectivity. Wranx, however, take a different approach to assessments.
We incorporate Certainty Based Marking (CBM) into multiple-choice assessments, which prompts learners to rate how certain they are of the answer before they can select it. It has been proven to stimulate a higher level of thinking and is more effective at identifying an employee’s confidence and accuracy. We also use pre and post-assessments in order to establish the learner’s baseline knowledge prior to completing their module and to identify their overall progression once the training has finished.
Our assessments have proven to be effective with our clients — most notably Tata Steel Europe and The North Face®. To determine the effectiveness of training, we conducted multiple-choice assessments for Tata Steel Europe. We saw amazing results: 97% of learners improved from the pre to post-assessment. On top of this, they showed a knowledge improvement of 15% – which equates to learners answering, on average, 7.5 more questions correctly in their post-assessment!
For The North Face®, who used CBM in their assessments, we saw 80% of learners improve their CBM score, meaning they could answer questions more accurately and confidently after completing their module. Finally, 73% of learners who took the assessments improved in raw knowledge from pre to post-assessment, demonstrating how effective our online Spaced Repetition training can be in just four weeks.