How Staff Training Transforms Customer Service

How Staff Training Transforms Customer Service

Unlocking Success: How Staff Training Transforms Customer Service

In today’s competitive business landscape, exceptional customer service isn’t just a nice-to-have—it’s a fundamental driver of success. Businesses across industries are increasingly recognizing the pivotal role that well-trained staff play in delivering outstanding customer experiences. Here, we delve into six recent statistics that underscore the transformative power of staff training on customer service and overall business success.

1. Customer Satisfaction Impact

A study by Harvard Business Review uncovered a compelling link between employee training and financial performance. Companies that invest in staff training enjoy a remarkable 24% higher profit margin compared to those that neglect to educate their employees. This finding underscores the direct correlation between staff training, customer satisfaction, and overall financial success.

2. Training and Customer Loyalty

According to research by Forbes, a staggering 86% of customers are willing to pay more for a superior customer experience. By prioritizing staff training aimed at enhancing customer service skills, businesses can cultivate stronger customer loyalty and drive revenue growth. Investing in equipping employees with the tools to exceed customer expectations pays dividends in the form of repeat business and brand advocacy.

3. Employee Confidence and Service Quality

A survey conducted by Deloitte revealed that an impressive 82% of customers reported heightened confidence in a company’s products or services when they interacted with knowledgeable staff. Comprehensive training programs empower employees with the expertise and skills needed to deliver exceptional service consistently. This boosts customer confidence and satisfaction, laying the foundation for enduring customer relationships.

4. Impact of Training on Customer Retention

Research by Zendesk underscores the importance of positive service experiences in fostering customer loyalty. A substantial 70% of customers who enjoyed a positive service encounter with a company were more likely to remain loyal. Effective staff training equips employees to handle customer inquiries adeptly, resolve issues efficiently, and leave a lasting positive impression—key ingredients for fostering customer loyalty and retention.

5. Training and Customer Referrals

Customers who have positive experiences with a company are 3.5 times more likely to recommend it to others, according to a study by Bain & Company. By providing staff with comprehensive training that emphasizes excellent customer service, businesses can increase the likelihood of receiving glowing referrals and attracting new customers. Positive word-of-mouth recommendations are invaluable assets in today’s interconnected world, driving brand visibility and growth.

6. Measuring Training Impact

A report by Aberdeen Group highlights the importance of evaluating the impact of staff training on customer service outcomes. Companies with effective training programs are 67% more likely to improve their customer service satisfaction ratings. Implementing robust metrics and feedback mechanisms enables businesses to assess training effectiveness, identify areas for improvement, and drive continuous enhancement in service quality.

In conclusion, these statistics underscore the profound impact that staff training can have on customer service outcomes, customer satisfaction, and overall business success. By prioritizing comprehensive training programs that empower employees to deliver exceptional service, businesses can cultivate enduring customer relationships, drive revenue growth, and secure a competitive edge in today’s dynamic marketplace.

Wranx offers a transformative solution to customer service training by utilizing personalized, microlearning techniques that fit seamlessly into the busy schedules of employees. With its adaptive employee learning platform, Wranx identifies individual strengths and areas for improvement, delivering bite-sized training modules that reinforce knowledge retention and skill development over time. By incorporating gamification elements and real-time feedback, Wranx keeps employees engaged and motivated to excel in their customer service roles.

With Wranx, companies can streamline their training processes, enhance employee performance, and ultimately deliver exceptional customer experiences that drive long-term success.

See how Wranx can supercharge staff training at your organization. Book a 30 minute discovery call here to learn more.

The Science Behind Spaced Repetition Training for Employees

The Science Behind Spaced Repetition Training for Employees

In today’s fast-paced business landscape, organizations are constantly seeking ways to enhance their employee training programs to ensure maximum retention and application of knowledge. One method that has gained significant attention and proven effectiveness is spaced repetition training. But what exactly is spaced repetition training, and how does it work? Let’s delve into the science behind this innovative approach to employee development.

1. Understanding Spaced Repetition Training

Spaced repetition training is a learning technique that involves reviewing material at increasing intervals over time. Rather than cramming information into one intense study session, spaced repetition distributes learning sessions across time, allowing the brain to better encode and retain information.

2. How Spaced Repetition Training Works

The science behind spaced repetition training lies in the brain’s ability to strengthen connections between neurons through repeated exposure to information. Each time we revisit a piece of information, our brain reinforces the neural pathways associated with that knowledge, making it easier to recall in the future.

3. Benefits of Spaced Repetition Training

  • Enhanced Retention: By spacing out learning sessions, employees retain information for longer periods, leading to better long-term retention.
  • Time Efficiency: Spaced repetition optimizes learning efficiency, requiring less time overall compared to traditional methods.
  • Improved Mastery: Regular review of material ensures deeper understanding and mastery of concepts over time.

4. Implementing Spaced Repetition Training

To implement spaced repetition training effectively, organizations can leverage technology-based employee training platforms that utilize algorithms to schedule review sessions based on each employee’s learning progress and retention levels.

5. Real-World Applications

Spaced repetition training has found success in various industries, including education, healthcare, and technology. For example, medical professionals use spaced repetition to reinforce medical knowledge, while software developers utilize it to stay updated on coding languages and frameworks.

6. Common Misconceptions

One common misconception about spaced repetition training is that it only benefits rote memorization – which is the act of repeating information until you remember it. However, this method also promotes deeper understanding and application of complex concepts, making it suitable for a wide range of subjects and skills.

7. Overcoming Challenges

Challenges in implementing spaced repetition training may include resistance to change, lack of technological infrastructure, and difficulty in tracking employee progress. Addressing these challenges requires effective communication, investment in suitable tools, and ongoing support from leadership.

Check out this blog on how to master employee training assessments.

8. Tips for Successful Implementation

  • Start Small: Begin with a pilot program to test the effectiveness of spaced repetition training in your organization.
  • Provide Training: Educate employees on the benefits of spaced repetition and how to utilize the learning platform effectively.
  • Monitor Progress: Regularly track employee engagement and performance to identify areas for improvement and reinforcement.

9. Future Trends

As technology continues to advance, the future of spaced repetition training may see the integration of artificial intelligence and adaptive learning algorithms to personalize learning experiences further.

10. Conclusion

In conclusion, spaced repetition training offers a scientifically proven method for enhancing employee learning and development. By leveraging this technique, organizations can optimize training outcomes, improve employee performance, and stay competitive in today’s rapidly evolving business landscape.

Wranx Utilizes Spaced Repetition Training With Huge Success

See how the Wranx platform and app uses spaced repetition training to ensure our customer’s employees quickly learn information and retain that knowledge long term.

If you’d like to see what our customers have to say you can read our case studies here.


1. What types of training are suitable for spaced repetition training?

Spaced repetition training can be applied to all types of training. Whether it’s product training, cyber security, compliance or leadership, Wranx has got you covered.

2. How often should review sessions be scheduled in spaced repetition training?

The frequency of review sessions in spaced repetition training depends on factors such as the complexity of the material and the individual’s learning pace. Generally, review sessions are spaced out at increasing intervals, starting with shorter intervals initially.

3. Can spaced repetition training be used for soft skills development?

Yes, spaced repetition training can be effective for developing soft skills such as communication, leadership, and problem-solving. By incorporating scenario-based learning and real-world examples, employees can reinforce these skills over time.

4. Is spaced repetition training suitable for remote or distributed teams?

Yes, spaced repetition training can be easily adapted for remote or distributed teams through online learning platforms and virtual collaboration tools. These platforms allow employees to access training materials from anywhere, at any time, making it convenient for remote workers.

5. How can organizations measure the effectiveness of spaced repetition training?

Organizations can measure the effectiveness of spaced repetition training through various metrics, including knowledge retention rates, performance improvements, and employee feedback. Regular assessments and surveys can provide valuable insights into the impact of spaced repetition on employee learning and development.

How to Effectively Onboard Retail Christmas Staff

How to Effectively Onboard Retail Christmas Staff

The holiday season is a busy time for retailers, requiring additional staff members to accommodate the influx of shoppers. Seasonal staff or temporary employees are often new hires that require onboarding and training to ensure they are ready to work efficiently and effectively during the period of high sales. Unfortunately, traditional onboarding methods can be time-consuming and overwhelming for both employers and new hires. This is where Wranx comes in. Wranx is microlearning learning platform that makes onboarding quick, engaging and tailored to your specific business needs. In this blog, we will explore how to effectively onboard retail Christmas staff with Wranx.


Create a Customized Learning Plan

The first step to effectively onboard retail Christmas staff is to create a customized learning plan. With Wranx, you can easily create a learning plan that fits your business needs and aligns with your sales objectives. The platform allows you to customize content, assign training modules, and monitor progress effectively. Wranx uses Spaced Repetition training, with algorithms that aid in memory retention, ensuring that the training sticks with your staff.


Personalize the Experience

No two learners are the same, everyone picks up information at different paces, so it’s important that your onboarding program is personalized to ensure maximum success. Wranx algorithms ensure information is repeated as spaced intervals until it’s firmly retained. And, if your learners aren’t confident answering certain questions, or keep answering incorrectly, they will repeat the questions and answers until they have fully grasped them. We also understand that different learning styles appeal to different people, so Wranx has varying quiz-style question types to keep your learners engaged and ensure learning is fun. 

Monitor Progress Effectively

Tracking and monitoring progress is vital for successful onboarding. It allows employers to identify any knowledge gaps and provide additional support to ensure employee success. With Wranx, managers can easily assess progress and get real-time insights into how their employees are performing. Wranx reporting dashboard highlights engagement, confidence, how learners are increasing their knowledge and who may need additional support.


Provide Ongoing Support

The onboarding process does not end with the completion of a course. Ongoing support is essential to ensure employees continue to perform optimally. Wranx offers ongoing learning to employees, allowing them to engage with the platform and continue to improve performance throughout the holiday season. The Spaced Repetition algorithm ensures information is retained long term and employees can recall information confidently when out on the shop floor during busy periods.


Create A Competitive Atmosphere

Wranx incorporates gamification features to motivate staff to continue learning and complete their daily training drills. Leaderboards, hot streaks and badges bring out a competitive element in your staff, whilst incentives and rewards can really push your team to do their best. Without an incentive training can become just another task to complete, but rewards can significantly boost enjoyment. Clients of Wranx have successfully used employee incentives to further increase sales. 


In conclusion, improving your Christmas staff onboarding experience with Wranx can lead to a more productive and engaged team. With Wranx’s personalized learning, Spaced Repetition algorithms, and easy-to-use platform, retail staff can learn quickly and retain information for real-life application. Additionally, Wranx’s monitoring and progress tracking enable effective management making it easier to identify knowledge gaps and areas for improvement. Finally, Wranx’s gamification features lead to increased employee satisfaction and sales. Therefore, if you’re looking to onboard retail Christmas staff, we recommend that you choose Wranx as your onboarding platform and partner.

Boost Employee Onboarding with Microlearning

Boost Employee Onboarding with Microlearning

Onboarding plays a critical role in the success of any organization. It helps new employees acquire the necessary knowledge and skills, and integrate into the organizational culture quickly. However, traditional onboarding methods no longer suffice in today’s fast-paced world. With the emergence of technology, employers need to leverage digital tools to improve employee onboarding while minimizing the time and resources required. Microlearning has emerged as one of the most effective techniques in recent years. This blog post will explore how microlearning can boost employee onboarding and provide strategies for implementing it successfully.


Why Microlearning Works for Onboarding

Microlearning provides bite-sized content to learners. It presents information in smaller chunks, making it easier to digest and retain. Rather than overwhelming new employees with prolonged and often dull training sessions, microlearning offers more engaging and interactive options that align with today’s short attention spans. By using engaging videos, infographics, and quizzes that can be accessed anytime, anywhere, microlearning makes learning fun and interactive.


Strategies for Implementing Microlearning

To make the most of microlearning in onboarding, you need to develop a strategy. Here are some tips for implementing it effectively:
a. Identify the critical content that new employees need to learn to be productive.
b. Develop a curriculum and break it into bite-sized chunks.
c. Use interactive content like videos, infographics, and quizzes to engage learners.
d. Ensure accessibility by using mobile-friendly content and accessible training systems.
e. Provide performance support tools that allow employees to access information on-the-job.


Measuring Effectiveness

Measuring the effectiveness of microlearning is essential to understand whether it is producing the desired results. You can measure the effectiveness of the program by analyzing performance data and getting feedback from employees. Using this information, you can offer additional support on topics your learners aren’t grasping as quickly and ensure that your employees are retaining the essential knowledge and skills needed to be successful in their role.


Benefits of Microlearning in Onboarding

The benefits of microlearning in onboarding are numerous. One of the most significant benefits is that it boosts engagement and retention. Engaged employees are more likely to put in extra effort, leading to increased productivity and in turn increased profitability. Also, microlearning makes onboarding more efficient – reducing time and resources needed for training. Employees can complete their training sessions quickly and efficiently, allowing them to begin working on their core tasks.


Microlearning is a powerful tool for employee onboarding. It provides bite-sized content that engages learners, makes training more efficient, and is suitable for today’s modern, fast-paced world. Employers should begin by identifying the critical information that employees need to learn and develop interactive content that aligns with their learning style. With the right strategy and measurement tools in place, microlearning is sure to boost employee engagement, productivity, and organizational success. See how Wranx can support your training initiatives, book a call with our team to discuss here

Revamp sales training programs with microlearning

Revamp sales training programs with microlearning

Did you know that 58% of buyers say that sales reps are unable to answer their questions? Do you have a way of tracking this at your organization? If not, it’s worth doing some research as you could potentially be slowing down, or worse, losing out on sales.

The market has changed dramatically over the last 10 or so years. Now buyers have access to a lot more information about products and services on the internet, and as such, will spend time doing their research before making a purchasing decision. It’s therefore imperative that your sales team know your product like the back of their hand, so they can skillfully convert more sales. 

But with the average turnover rates for sales teams being around 34% and studies showing that 84% of sales training is forgotten after 3 months, staying on top of training is no mean feat. Companies should provide sales training on a regular to ensure their teams have up to date product and business knowledge. In this blog we’re exploring how often you should be running training sessions, the benefits of using online tools and how the Wranx platform can help. 


How often should you provide sales training? 

  • Frequency: The frequency of sales training can vary depending on factors such as the industry, company size, and specific needs. However, it is generally recommended that organizations should provide regular training sessions throughout the year rather than relying on one-time or sporadic training event
  • Monthly or Quarterly: Many companies allocate monthly or quarterly training sessions to reinforce sales skills, introduce new strategies, and address any knowledge gaps. This approach enables sales teams to stay updated with the latest industry trends and best practices
  • Consistency: Consistency in sales training is crucial for long-term success. Instead of overwhelming salespeople with extensive training all at once, breaking it down into smaller, consistent sessions allows for better retention and application of knowledge
  • Onboarding and Continuous Development: Providing initial onboarding training for new hires is essential to equip them with foundational sales skills. Additionally, ongoing training and development should be part of the company culture to support skill enhancement and ensure that sales teams stay ahead of market changes.
  • Adaptive Training: It’s important to adapt the training frequency based on the needs of individual sales teams or individuals. For example, if there are new products or services, significant market shifts, or specific skill gaps identified, more frequent or targeted training sessions may be necessary.
  • Evaluation and Feedback: Regularly evaluating the effectiveness of the training programs and gathering feedback from salespeople can help refine the training strategy and adjust the frequency as needed.
  • Remember, the frequency of sales training should be customized to fit the unique requirements of each company and its sales teams. By investing in regular and well-designed sales training, companies can enhance the skills, knowledge, and performance of their salesforce.


The benefits of using sales training software

  • Personalize Training: One of the biggest benefits of sales training software is that it allows you to personalize your training program. Every sales team is different, and within those teams individual needs will vary. By using training software, instead of traditional classroom-style learning techniques, you can easily create individualized training programs that cater to your team’s specific strengths and weaknesses. This ensures that your sales team is receiving the training they need to succeed and reach their full potential
  • Consistent Training: Consistency is key when it comes to sales training. You want your team to receive the same level of training and knowledge no matter who is conducting the sessions. When you invest in sales training software, you can ensure that your entire team is receiving the same training program. This helps to create a level playing field and ensures that everyone has the same knowledge base to work from.
  • Real-Time Feedback: Feedback is vital to the success of any sales team, but it can be challenging to provide individual feedback to each team member. With sales training software, you can easily provide real-time feedback to your team during their training sessions. This helps them to identify areas for improvement and make adjustments quickly. This creates a more efficient sales team that is capable of adapting and growing as they learn.
  • Improved Analytics: Analytics play a crucial role in any business, and sales are no exception. By investing in sales training software, you gain access to valuable analytics that can help you evaluate the effectiveness of your training program. You can track data such as completion rates, quiz scores, and engagement rates. This allows you to stay on top of your team’s progress and make changes to your training program accordingly.
  • Cost-Effective: Finally, investing in sales training software can save your business money in the long run. Traditional sales training methods can be costly, requiring trainers and travel expenditures, with the average company spending around $2,000 or more annually on training for each sales rep. Sales training software eliminates the need for expensive trainers, and courses can be accessed remotely from anywhere in the world. This makes it a cost-effective solution to your sales training needs.


The benefits of a microlearning platform in sales training 

The usual ROI of sales training is 353%, but you can get an even higher return by using an online training tool. A microlearning platform offers several benefits for sales training:


1. Just-in-time information 

Microlearning provides sales teams with quick and easily accessible information that they can use immediately in their sales interactions. With bite-sized content, salespeople can access the specific knowledge they need at the moment of need, improving their performance on the job.


2. Versatility of content formats

A microlearning platform allows for the delivery of various content formats, such as videos, quizzes, interactive modules, and infographics, all in one place. This versatility enhances engagement and caters to different learning preferences, making the training experience more engaging and effective.


3. Cost-effectiveness

Designing a microlearning program is cost-effective compared to developing a full-fledged eLearning course. The smaller content units are easier and quicker to create, update, and maintain, reducing training costs while still achieving effective learning outcomes.


4. Accessible anytime, anywhere

Microlearning platforms are digital and accessible online, allowing learners to access training materials remotely or on the go. This flexibility enables sales teams to learn at their own pace and convenience, ensuring continuous learning even in dynamic sales environments.


5. Improved knowledge retention

Microlearning’s focused and concise nature helps improve knowledge retention. By presenting information in small, manageable chunks, learners can absorb and retain key concepts more effectively. This promotes better application of knowledge in real-world sales scenarios.


The added benefits of Wranx sales training software 

At Wranx we’ve added gamification elements and scientifically proven learning techniques to our microlearning platform to make our training app more engaging, so that your staff look forward to learning.

Here’s how it works:

  • Spaced Repetition: Wranx utilizes spaced repetition, a proven learning technique that optimizes memory retention. By strategically spacing out the delivery of content and reinforcing key concepts at intervals, Wranx helps learners retain information more effectively.
  • Bite-sized Learning: Wranx breaks down training materials into bite-sized, easily digestible modules. This approach ensures that learners can engage with the content in short, focused sessions, maximizing their attention span and knowledge absorption.
  • Personalized Learning: The Wranx platform provides personalized learning experiences by adapting content delivery based on individual learning needs and performance. Learners receive targeted content that addresses their specific knowledge gaps, making the training more relevant and engaging.
  • Convenience and Accessibility: Wranx offers a flexible and accessible training experience. Learners can access the platform anytime, anywhere, using their preferred devices. This convenience allows sales teams to fit training into their busy schedules, increasing engagement and participation.
  • Improved Knowledge Retention: With the use of spaced repetition and interactive learning techniques, Wranx enhances knowledge retention. By reinforcing learning over time, learners are more likely to remember and apply what they have learned in real-world sales situations.
  • Analytics and Progress Tracking: Wranx provides robust analytics and progress-tracking features. Companies can monitor learners’ performance, track progress, and identify areas that require additional focus or support. This data-driven approach enables companies to make informed decisions and continuously improve their sales training programs.


Overall, the Wranx microlearning platform offers a modern and effective approach to sales training, leveraging spaced repetition and personalized learning to enhance knowledge retention, engagement, and performance.


We work with The North Face to enhance their sales training programs and they have had a hufe amount of success using our app.


How The North Face used Wranx  to excel

The North Face utilized Wranx for sales training to deliver retail-related training to their employees. This included customer service, product knowledge, and sales training. By implementing Wranx, The North Face aimed to reduce training time and enhance knowledge retention. The use of Wranx’s customized and scientifically-proven learning approach allowed them to achieve a 75% increase in knowledge retention. The platform provided a convenient and accessible way for employees to engage in training, with content delivered directly to their devices. By combining incentives with training, The North Face successfully engaged learners and improved sales performance. The specific details of how The North Face implemented Wranx for sales training can be found in the sources provided. 


We’ve had a really positive experience with Wranx. Not only do our employees enjoy completing the short drills, they have been motivated by the gamification features on the app. Using this platform has had a direct impact on our customers, as a higher level of training has ensured they have an enjoyable experience in store. The uplift in sales is clear, as customers have said that their purchase decisions were influenced by our store colleague’s advanced product knowledge!


Investing in sales training software can help your business in countless ways. From personalizing training to providing real-time feedback, a software platform ensures that your sales team is receiving the training they need to succeed. Additionally, it allows you to evaluate the effectiveness of your training program with ease. Of course, there is an initial investment, but over time, you’ll save money by eliminating travel expenses and trainers. So why not explore the options and see how sales training software can benefit your business today?


Book a call with our friendly team to see how Wranx can enhance your sales training initiatives.